Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rain, Rain Go Away...

I don'

Rain collects on the roof of our temporary greenhouse.

Gardeners love rain. We do. Plants love rain. I remember so many blistering hot days of summer in the middle of a good ol' North Carolina drought that I would have loved the sweet smell of rain. I remember crouching in my garden one evening, letting the sprinkler rain over me as I pulled up the weeds from the mud, now loosened by the water. "The neighbors must think I am crazy, but I don't even care" I thought. I was hot and the garden was thirsty. There was no rain in sight.

But this 36 degrees constant rain? The entire day dark like dusk? No thanks. I am sure the onions under ground appreciate it. And the peas. But I want to get some more plants in the ground! And I want the SUN to come out and make them grow! THEN the rain can come back! When it is over 60 degrees, please and thank you very much.

The good news is that the weather this weekend looks fantastic. I am pretty darn excited. And the early days next week look good, too. (And then the rain comes back. But I think it may follow the rules, or at least come back when it is at least 50 degrees.)

So who wants to come out and play in the garden on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday? I have many wee plants and empty beds ready to go. I can hold classes to plant or just to tour and talk. Teachers' choice.

Classes can be anytime between 9:15am and 11:15am or At 3:00 to end of day.

I recommend choosing a pair of plants for planting. (Say that ten times fast...)

Kale and Chard
Brocoli and Cauliflower
Cabbage and Collards
Lettuce and Spinach

These plants like cool, early spring weather. When it gets hot, they bolt. No, they don't run off... They go to seed. They stop making their yummy edible leaves and start making seeds. Lettuce that has bolted gets bitter. Not a yummy salad. Sure, flowering broccoli looks super cool. But it is the compact heads we want for dinner, not the opening flower buds. So let's get these guys in the ground and watch them grow while the weather is what they like! Even if I am hoping for warmer days.

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