Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wish List

Now that we are ready to start our new gardening season, my mind is reeling with ideas for how we can make the school garden better and better. I started a wish list in my mind, but it made a lot more sense to list the needed items here! I have been buying supplies, like fertilizer, shovels, rakes, a new hose, etc. with money provided by our magnet program. But that money has a time line and cannot be used during "seedling season." So I did what any garden enthusiast would do. I bought them myself.

But now that my oldest child is headed off to middle school in the fall and my youngest is now in 3rd grade, 4th next year, I realized it is time to ensure sustainability in the garden. Another parent volunteer may want to take over my spot in two years. So I need to set up that volunteer for success by raising some funds!

Why is this blog called "Pennies for Produce?" Because with a handful of pennies, we can get a handful of seeds. And with a handful of seeds we can grow way more than a handful of produce! Sure, we can raise a garden with seeds, soil, sun and rain. But to make our garden grow to the very best of a garden's ability, we need a little more. Like our greenhouse to keep our plants safe on cold nights. Or new boards to replace the ones worn by time. Or fresh mulch to keep weeds from stealing moisture and nutrients from our precious produce plants.

Would you consider collecting a jar of pennies for our produce? It all adds up!

Or could you help with our wish list?


A load of compost/soil to replenish our raised beds and create more
A load of triple shredded hardwood mulch to maintain moisture and suppress weeds
Three pronged hand tools for kids to use when maintaining the beds
Kid sized garden gloves
Rolls of weed preventing fabric for the paths between the beds
Espoma Garden Tone organic fertilizer
A portable shade structure to protect our young gardeners from the heat during a garden lesson
Flowering plants to draw beneficial insects to our garden- butterfly bush, roses, flowering bulbs, daises
Untreated 4x6 boards to replace worn boards or build new beds

I will update the list as we work through the season. Come back soon to look for volunteer opportunities and availability for garden lessons for school classes!

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