Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1st already! Where did the time go?

After all that cold and cold and more cold, I thought May would never get here! But it is here at last and the garden is HAPPY, just like me.

I plan to take some current "After" photos on Saturday during Garden and Grounds day at our school, but for now, I have some great progress shots from March. I was excited when I took these photos- and now the garden is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to show you how it looks today!

Looking a lot better than it did in the winter! See that empty long bed on the right? It isn't empty now! New photo soon!

Yum. Salad. I love how the lettuce bed shows us how many varieties of lettuce there are. What an awesome way to make a salad! With lots of color and flavors! 

The Romaine isn't quite ready for a Cesar Salad, but it is on the way!

Red Leaf adds great color to your plate!


Black Seeded Simpson. I honestly don't know how it is different from Green Leaf. But the lettuce bed has them both!

Leeks and Onions fill this bed with wonderful flavor and a smell that keeps many pests away. Pardon the weeds. Those are gone now.

The greens bed attracts the very annoying Cabbage Worm, but this shot shows the leaves before the little buggers ate holes in many of the leaves. There is Spinach in the front, then Collards,  then Swiss Chard and finally, Kale.

Add a little Spinach to your leafy salad, or make a salad out of this little guy alone! Also great sautéed with a little of the garlic from another bed.

Collard Greens! That's all I have to say. 'Cause, confession time, I have never eaten them. Don't worry- I will remedy this situation.

The ever-lovely Swiss Chard. Toss a bit in with the sautéed Spinach. You won't regret it.

My new friend Kale. Put some in with the Spinach and Chard and you have yourself a meal! I like mine over quinoa.

Strawberries, Strawberries, Strawberries!!! I planted 4. They grew friends.

The Strawberries get extra glamour shots 'cause I am playing favorites. I love strawberries and have NEVER managed to grow them well before now!

Those blooms are BERRIES in the making. SO MANY BERRIES. Success at last!

Spice up your salad with some Arugula! This Arugula is bolting, or in other words, starting to produce flowers. Sadly, that means it is getting bitter. But I hear the edible flowers are also a fabulous addition to a salad!

Speaking of berries... Check out the Raspberry bush!!! Whoa, right??? I pruned it this year, for the first time. I think it liked it. Who doesn't like getting a little dead wood out of the way?

A lovely Raspberry bush is great and all... but much better with raspberries! See some forming right up there?

Hey little Peas! Keep on climbing up our rope trellis, okay? They are coming along! Remember, this photo is a few weeks old. We have blossoms now! And blossoms mean peas!
Don't forget to come back after the weekend to see the incredible progress all this rain has brought! We are ready for our very first harvest of the season and we have summer plants ready for planting. I will tell you a little about my nemesis- the cabbage worm- and what you want to plant NOW for summer growing.

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